Make Teams Accountable
With Workpex’s GPS

Sales teams are not always working in-house. When they are outside the office, meeting with a client, how can you ensure that they are at their hundred percent productivity? Workpex incorporates the latest technology- GPS integration- to ensure this for your sales team. With GPS in your Lead management solution, you gain numerous benefits that significantly improve your team's overall efficiency and provide strategic insights to enhance your team’s performance by many folds.

Feature detail of WorkPex - Key functionalities

Gain Live and Efficient Sales Insights

Do you have a clear understanding of your sales team's performance efficiency? With Workpex's GPS integration, this becomes effortlessly apparent. You'll have visibility into which clients your sales team is meeting with, the frequency of follow-ups through real meet ups, and the status of these engagements, all comprehensively tracked. The centralized platform of Workpex aggregates all follow-up details, including real-time meeting updates across multiple sales teams, streamlining data analysis and enhancing efficiency.

Moreover, in urgent client meeting scenarios, you can instantly identify available team members who are not currently engaged, enabling precise assignment and maximizing sales effectiveness. Thus, the GPS integration in your efficient Sales and lead management tool-Workpex, significantly enhances sales efficiency.

  • Checkmark for WorkPex feature details Easily track which clients your sales team is meeting with.
  • Checkmark for WorkPex feature details Monitor the frequency and status of follow-ups through real meetups.
  • Checkmark for WorkPex feature details Aggregate all follow-up details across multiple teams in one place for streamlined analysis.
  • Checkmark for WorkPex feature details Quickly assign available team members to urgent client meetings, maximizing sales effectiveness.

Save Time and Energy Effectively

As sales team members, your team already juggles numerous responsibilities. It's crucial not to burden them with additional tasks that can now be managed through technology. This is where GPS integration in a Lead Management and Tracking Software proves invaluable. With this integration enabled, when a sales team member is in a client meeting, they no longer need to manually inform their team lead about their location—when they update their status, their location of meet-up will also be automatically updated. This reduces the burden of remembering mundane details and allows them to focus more on productive discussions with clients.

Additionally, this data simplifies the process of filling reimbursement forms for travel and other allowances. Sales team members no longer need to spend time recalling dates and details; instead, they can retrieve the necessary information from the integrated system-thus improving the overall workflow of your sales team.

  • Checkmark for WorkPex feature details Sales team members' meeting statuses are automatically updated during client meetings, eliminating manual updates.
  • Checkmark for WorkPex feature details Reduced administrative burden, team members can dedicate more time to productive client interactions.
  • Checkmark for WorkPex feature details Simplified access to travel and expense data thus streamlines reimbursement submissions, saving time and effort.
  • Checkmark for WorkPex feature details Integrated systems ensure easy retrieval of essential details, improving overall workflow efficiency for sales teams.
Save time and energy effectively with WorkPex features
Feature detail of WorkPex - Key functionalities

Increased Accountability and Visibility

Accountability is essential for a successful sales team. How can GPS integration in your Lead Management solution enhance your team's accountability? With GPS integration, tracking and monitoring your sales team's activities becomes significantly easier. This heightened awareness encourages sales team members to be more accountable for their work. You gain direct access to data that tracks the time spent by your sales team in customer meetings and monitor their expense reports, fostering greater responsibility in their roles.

This integration not only boosts productivity but also enhances the overall performance of your sales team through increased accountability. Additionally, managing multiple teams becomes streamlined within a centralized platform, ensuring accountability across all teams simultaneously.

  • Checkmark for WorkPex feature details simplified tracking of sales team activities such as customer meetings and expense reporting.
  • Checkmark for WorkPex feature details Enhanced awareness to promote greater accountability among team members for their work.
  • Checkmark for WorkPex feature details Direct access to data enables better monitoring of team performance and productivity.
  • Checkmark for WorkPex feature details Simplified oversight of multiple teams through a centralized platform ensuring consistent accountability.